Welcome to Model School, enjoy your Education here


Model School Library is created and maintained to serve and support the educational activities of the school and to develop reading habits and interest amongst students.

School library is open to all bonafide student of the school. There are two libraries in the school.

Junior Library - For classes I to VII
Senior Library - For classes VIII to XII

School Library has over 10,000 books covering various fields of education. School subscribes for six daily newspapers & 27 weekly/monthly magazines. All classes are provided with at least one library period per week.

Students are allowed to get books issued against their own cards. Book marked, disfigured, damaged or lost will have to be replaced or paid for by the student. Students are expected to maintain absolute silence in the library.

Library is maintained and looked after by qualified librarian.

Library Facility
I Size of the library in sq feet 1102,0725
II No. of Periodicals 70
III No of dailies 11
IV No. of reference books 2400
V No. of magazines 27
VI Other Books 7824
VII Total 10332